National Conference on Guardianship

National Conference on Guardianship
on July 1, 2014 by Staff

From inspiring and informative general sessions to specific topics covered in breakout sessions, the 2014 National Conference on Guardianship has something to benefit every guardian, fiduciary or conservator. Click here for a pdf that contains the complete schedule, session descriptions and hotel information.

Our best advice - Do not wait to make hotel reservations. Although the hotel set September 24 as the final date for our group discount, that does not mean rooms will remain available until that date. Our room block could be filled well before September 24, so make reservations as soon as possible.

This year's theme, "Big Education in the Big Easy" offers something for everyone and is a natural fit with our meeting site in historic New Orleans. From our Saturday Welcome Reception until we adjourn on Tuesday, you’ll grow from interactions with others in your profession, from targeted training, and from inspiring words of our featured speakers.

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