Nevada Guardianship Association Membership Registration

Use the online registration form below to become a member of the Nevada Guardianship Assocaition.

First Name:

Last Name:


Email Address:

Confirm Email:


Address Continued:



Zip Code:

Select membership Level:
Professional Guardian $50 per year dues.
An Individual who is certified by the Center for Guardianship Certification or an individual who is working under the direct supervision of a NCG or NMG as a guardian or a guardian case manager and who intends to become certified within two years. If after two years, certification is not achieved, the member must renew in another category. $50.00 per year dues

Affiliate Professional $50 per year dues.
An individual who receives monetary gain derived from working in the field of guardianship or an affiliate profession (i.e. case manager, social worker, attorney, accountant) and does not meet the definition of a Professional Guardian above.

Family/Volunteer Guardian and Non-Professional $25/$15 per year dues.
An Individual who does not receive monetary gain derived from working in the field of guardianships or an affiliate profession but is an interested party or an individual who is a family or volunteer guardian
* Individuals in this category of membership who are 60 years of age or older receive a $10 discount on their annual memberships

Describe your affiliation with guardianships:

Have you ever been convicted of elder abuse, exploitation and/or a felony? - No - Yes

Are you currently a National Guardianship Association Member? - No - Yes

- I have read and agree to adhere to the current Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics of the National Guardianship Association in all of my activities associated with guardianships.